One Left
(One Left)
di Sebastian Doringer
2020 - Austria - 6:12 min.
Festival 2021 > Sezione BY 3.25 > Categoria BY 18.25
Diversi pazienti stanno aspettando in uno studio medico i risultati dei test riguardanti la loro aspettativa di vita rimanente. Nella maggior parte dei casi, il tempo rimasto non è tanto lungo quanto sperato.
Condividi sui socialBiografia e filmografia
Sebastian Doringer (04/20/1996, Salzburg, Austria). After graduating from school he moved to Vienna to study Painting and Animation at the University of Applied Arts, where he graduated in January 2020 with his short film “One Left”. Most of his work is focused on 2D animated short films. He has previously directed “Umami and the Characters of Taste” (2019), “Pomme de Terre” (2018) and “Looped” (2017).