Muzicke Traume

(Musical traumas)

di Milos Tomic
2018 - Serbia - 10 min.

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Data e luogo di proiezione:


Il corto è il risultato dell’ossessione del regista per le scuole di musica. È una raccolta ritmata di confessioni traumatiche, ma divertenti di ex studenti, nonché un tentativo di visualizzare la musica con un’animazione deliziosa e disegnata a mano. Le esperienze possono essere documentarie, ma l’immagine proviene direttamente dal mondo delle impressioni musicali.

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Biografia e filmografia

Milos Tomic is a director with a few obsessions: music, sound, scribbling, as well as making and collecting objects, or rather precious junk. He studied in Belgrade, Berlin, and Prague, where he received a PhD from FAMU. He started working in film when he was 17, and has been relentless at it ever since.

Selected filmography:
Musical Traumas (2018), About Slaves and Robots (2016), Notes from Puglia (2015), Evening with Radio (2015), Musical Intermezzo 1-5 (2014), One Quiet Day (2014), Small Music Professors (2013), Family Fight (2012), Bikers Are People, Too (2011), Mikrob and Stevan (2011), Pigeon's Milk (2010), Spitted by Kiss (2007), Plastic Bags (2007), Clay Pigeon (2005)