MITCH MATCH series #9

(MITCH MATCH series #9)

di Géza M. Tóth
2020 - Ungheria - 2:52 min.

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Data e luogo di proiezione:

Pubblico raccomandato: RagazziGiovani adultiAdultiFOR 14+


Nella scatola è rimasto solo un fiammifero. Quest’oggetto ordinario dalla testa blu è il protagonista della serie MITCH-MATCH. In ogni episodio, esso intraprende un viaggio e, dopo svariate e strane, giocose e fantasiose avventure, torna sempre nella scatola dalla quale proviene. Un singolo fiammifero, un oggetto facile da usare e allo stesso tempo occasione di esperienze creative che evocano il mondo fantastico di tutti.

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Biografia e filmografia

Oscar nominated filmmaker, PhD university professor and head of KEDD Animation Studio. He has been teaching from 1994 at some of the most prestigious art universities in Europe, such as MOME - Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Royal College of Art in London, University of Theatre and Film in Budapest. From 2020 he also runs one of the most successful East-European animation film studios, named KEDD. He is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

He is a multifarious artist, works in a huge palette of the arts: director of short films (ex: Icar, MAESTRO, ERGO, MAMA) and animation tv series (ex: Berry and Dolly, The Kuflis). He also works as a director for theater and operas (ex: Nibelungen, The Miraculous Mandarin, The Bluebeard's Castle), illustrating books, lecturing, scriptwriting.

His films have won more than 120 prizes. His first film, The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1992) was selected for Annecy, the second - Icarus (1996) was nominated for the Golden-Bear in Berlin. His film, Maestro (2005) was nominated for the Oscar in 2007 in the Best Animated Short Film category. His latest animation short, MATCHES, put him in the Oscar Race again, since has won the Oscar qualifying Light in Motion Award for Best Animated Short Film at the Foyle Film Festival in 2019.


KEDD Animation Studio