Grounding - Festival Corti a Ponte
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di Oisín-Tomás Ó Raghallaigh
2019 - Irlanda - 7:00 min.

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Sarah, una timida ragazza di 15 anni, trova il coraggio di parlare dell’abuso che lei e suo fratello hanno subito da parte della madre e delle conseguenze psicologiche di esso, durante un appuntamento in una clinica per la salute mentale dei bambini.

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Biografia e filmografia

Oisín-Tomás Ó Raghallaigh is a 19-year-old director, born and raised in Ireland. A film lover and film student he directed his first short film 'Attraction' in 2016 and has continued to develop his skills and make short films. His short film 'Hindsight' was created at the National Film and Television School and was an official selection at 'Richard Harris International Film Festival, 'Kerry Film Festival', 'Belfast Film Festival' and at 30 others so far with 11 wins and 8 nominations including at the Gold Movie Awards and Leigh Short Film Festival, where he won the 'Best Young Filmmaker' award. He also produced a 35-minute film 'Grapevines' about vigilante violence in Ireland, which premiered at 'Belfast Film Festival in April 2019 and won the 'Into Film' Ones to Watch Award, sponsored by EON Productions in 2019. He has also been selected to receive directing mentorship by BAFTA. He is currently studying Film and Theatre at Queens University Belfast and his new short 'Grounding' is entering the festival circuit

Produzione, scuola, ente educativo

Avenue 7 Productions