Sezione Ragazzi BY 3-25 Archivi - Festival Corti a Ponte
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Festival 2020 / Sezione Ragazzi BY 3-25

A canção do solteiro
(The Perfect Match)

Accendi la testa poi inizia a guidare
(Turn on your head then start driving)

Adam & Eve
(Adam & Eve)


Caperucita Rosa
(Little Pink Riding Hood)

Clean & Green
(Clean & Green)

Cztery pory roku
(Four Seasons)

Der verlorene Hut
(The lost hat)

Don’t Open the Door!
(Don't Open the Door!)

Dopo la pioggia
(After the rain)

First woman with Laïko
(First woman with Laïko)

Friends love
(Friends love)


Góry zbutwiałego króla
(The Mountains of The Decayed King)

Hungry Short Film
(Hungry Short Film)

Istorii iz starie fotografii
(Stories from old photos)

Krajobraz emocji
(The Landscape of Emotions)

Kuromatsunai Future Sketch
(Kuromatsunai Future Sketch)


Let me Breath with my Dream
(Let me Breath with my Dream)

Lo siento
(I feel it)

Ma chi ti conosce!
(Who knows you!)

Mi manca
(I miss)

Monster Land
(Monster Land)

Morphing Tales
(Morphing Tales)

Nasze pasje
(Our Passions)

No Mercy!
(No Mercy!)

O borborinar das insuas
(The whispering of the islands)

Os Amigos

Out of the Frame
(Out of the Frame)


Przygody figur geometrycznych
(The Adventures of Geometric Figures)


Simple Harmonic Motion
(Simple Harmonic Motion)

Stop Emotion
(Stop Emotion)

Strašiak Rudko
(Scarecraw Ruddy)

Temps de canvis
(Time for changes)

The Great Chase
(The Great Chase)

The Widow’s Mite
(The Widow's Mite)

U sumi
(In the forest)

Um grão em terra estranha
(A Grain in a Strange Land)


Una scuola a colori
(A color school)

Une vie de chien
(Dog's life)

Västerbergslagens Kulturskola hos Magnetens förskola
(Visiting the kindergarden)

Vola solo chi osa farlo
(Only who dares to do it can flies)


Wavy head
(Wavy head)

Zwariowana podróż
(Crazy Journey)

Αντίο Όνειρα Μου
(Goodbye my dreams)

Ο χρόνος δεν γυρίζει πίσω
(Time never comes back)


Два скелета
(Two skeletons)

Історія динозаврів
(The History of Dinos)

(The Letter)

О пустоте и доброте
(About emptiness and kindness)

Потому что он хороший
(Because he is good)

Прогулянка на столі
(Walking on a table)


(The dog' s story - part II)

حقیقت زندگی من
(The truth of my life)




(Little Swallow Coming Home)

(On My Own)