Search harmonic unison. It is heard from balconies and rooftops. From windows and courtyards. Hannah’s father recognizes his music, comes back to his senses, and sees his daughter for the...

...normal hike, but more and more courage and overcoming is required. Finally e made it and is about to leave when he suddenly hears cries for help from the deep...

The winter got lengthy and the fisher man is waiting for the spring to arrive. His waiting is over now and tries to find out why spring is late. But... she knew. A flood of breast milk covers everything – her home, work, friends, relationship and a good night’s sleep. Only after realizing she is a part of the...

Little pioneer Marusya lives in a room with her parents. But one day, mom disappears, and dad brings another woman into their home. The new mother does not like to...

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...2021 Download the privacy statement (in Italian) l’IINFORMATIVA-GRDP-48ore Fill in the on-line entry form (in Italian) SCHEDA DI ISCRIZIONE 2021   FAQ (in Italian) Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER (in English)...