Search the sound of the stories played by the instruments. The stories last until the sky gets darken and showers dots with colourful words. That’s how it happens every day....

The story of the meeting of two villains. Kraken – the legendary mythical underwater monster and Cthulhu – the great ancient ruler of the worlds....

...the breathtaking Amazon River. This idyllic background sets an allegorical journey into the rainforest jungle, where nature, gender, truth and all things begin to reveal the identity of his dad....

A boy is playing at home. He is alone. Suddenly he realizes the abnormal presence of his mother and his brother at home.

A life story of a bottle that can express emotions, feel and dream.

Ten-year-old Sarah faces the challenge of her father’s snoring. She decides to make a documentary about this challenge and it’s conflicts....

As a young Vietnamese filmmaker in Australia pens a script about a missed opportunity, he is reminded of an opportunity he, too, has missed. Meanwhile, back in his home country,...

...her father in the summer. Children are the most vulnerable group in society. Who are exposed to direct influxes of disasters, pressures and problems of life caused by the elderly....

3 mysterious figures compete in a high-stakes heist in this 1920’s drama – it’s anyone’s game at The Catfish Club. This period short film was made by 16-19yr old, first-time...

A bird that keeps order in the sky accidentally drops a star during cleaning. And on the earth, children find her.