Virginia’s dreams

(Virginia's dreams)

by Zhanna Sidorova
2023 - Kyrgyzstan - 3:00 min.

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Screening date and location:

Recommended audience: Festival 2024AdultsPLUS 1


An office worker lives in the modern world, adapting to its requirements, works like clockwork. Day by day, her life is spiraling towards the end. One night she has a dream in which she finds harmony with nature and the desired freedom. Euphoria from ephemeral happiness soon leaves. Her soul wants to break out of the constricting shackles to freedom, but death invisibly entangles her body. The unfulfilled dream of love and motherhood, reflections on her innermost desires, lead her to the thought of inevitable oblivion, and she realizes the fragility of the world of her illusions. A growing sense of anxiety makes her make a sacrifice, and she forever says goodbye to her dream, returning to the world of soullessness and loneliness.

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Biography and filmography

She was born on March 1, 1972, in Kazakhstan. In 1998, she graduated from the Academy of Architecture and Construction with a degree in Architecture. In 2020, she graduated from the Master's program in the specialty "Direction" of the faculty "The Academy of Film and Television" of the University "Turan," Almaty, Kazakhstan.


Zhanna Sidorova, Kazakhstan