The Waters - Festival Corti a Ponte
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The Waters

(The Waters)

by S. C. Teles
2023 - Spain - 11:30 min.

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Screening date and location:

Recommended audience: Festival 2024AdultsPLUS 3


A woman from Madrid travels to her father’s home in Kazakhstan in order to reconcile with her past.

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Biography and filmography

With a background in writing, photography, performing arts and music, Teles took up the challenge to direct the short film “The Waters” in the midst of the pandemic, and in a foreign language. Teles saw this story as one that she could empathize with, and could use her varied skills and experience to bring the film to fruition along with a small but dedicated team. She also worked on writing the script, and music vocals on this film.


Matosi Producciones (Galiya Utepova)