by Murshidul Alam Bhuiyan
2020 - Bangladesh - 2:42 min.
Festival 2023 > Piccolo Festival International > Competition BY 11.13
Screening date and location:
Recommended audience: BoysSchools
9 May 2023 - 9:30 am
HANGAR 9 - Casalserugo (PD) -
15 May 2023 - 9:30 am
SALA CIVICA - Ponte San Nicolò (PD)
Recommended audience: BoysSchools
It’s easy to sustain life, but it’s difficult to do so with beauty and safety. To have a beautiful and safe life, everything should be pure. So water, which is another name for life, should also be pure. It must be wholesome. Pure water will change our life too. Bid farewell to impure water, Say yes to fresh water, it will make your life beautiful and happy.
Condividi sui socialProduction, school, educational institution
Team Bertho