Cambio - Festival Corti a Ponte
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by Daniel Romero
2016 - Spain - 9 min.

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Screening date and location:


Victor and Ana are enjoying their holidays at an idyllic lake. After having a huge row, the girl walks away into the forest. When he decides to go and look for her, Victor finds out that a man, hidden behind the trees, is watching him.

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Biography and filmography

Daniel Romero, born in Madrid in 1983, graduated from Carlos III University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Film, Television and Media Studies.
In 2010 he directs the fantasy short film Fearful John, which is selected to compete in over a hundred national and international festivals and is shortlisted for Goya Awards that same year. Besides, this work participates in Sitges Festival and Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival.
In 2013 he premiered the short film Don’t look There, a horror, haunted house story whose successful worldwide tour around more than 100 festivals leads him to compete, among others, in Seattle International Film Festival – which qualifies for the Oscars-, Malaga Spanish Film Festival and several European Fantasy Film Festivals which award Méliès d’Argent prize.
Change, premiered in 2016, is his last short film to date.
Nowadays, he combines preparations for one long film project –Las hijas, written by Asier Guerricaechebarría (Cuando dejes de quererme, Errementari)- with his work as part of the film crew of Antena 3 TV Series, Amar es para siempre.


DON’T LOOK THERE (2013, 15 min.).
15 awards and 102 international selections.
THE DESCENT (2011, 15 min.).
15 international selections.
FEARFUL JOHN (2010, 12 min.).
13 awards and 130 international selections.
THE SWINDLER (2008, 12 min.).
1 awards and 19 international selections.
THE ADJOINING ROOM (2007, 8 min.).
2 awards and 33 international selections.