A White-white day - Festival Corti a Ponte
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A White-white day

(Белый-белый день)

by Vasily Тсhirkov
2022 - Russia - 6:04 min.

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Screening date and location:

Recommended audience: Festival 2024BoysFamiliesFOR 3+


There are a lot of little things and stories around us. A dog’s footprints on a road, the sound of a passing train, the color of dry autumn grass. We usually pass by without noticing. But if we recognize these moments we feel how our own life is connected to them. «A white-white day» is about this.

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Biography and filmography

Born in Moscow in 1988.
Graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Moscow University in the specialty virology. Since 2007 he has worked as a screenwriter, animator and decorator in animated cinema. “Other Shores” is his first film as director.


SMF animation studio, T/M films, Good fish production inc Канада