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Director of documentary films and participatory video trainer, member of ZALAB FILM. Graduated in International Relations with a thesis on the civil conflict in Sudan, he has also conducted free-lance journalism activities with video reports and investigations.
His latest work:
Io Resto, 2021 (documentary, 82′), director, producer. World Premiere at Visions Du Réel 2021, Best Film Award Biografilm Italia 2021
Type A researcher at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. His research refers to the impact of the scopic regimes stimulated by new technologies on contemporary aesthetics, practices and imaginaries. An interest that he expresses in the creation of media literacy and media education workshops, collaborating with schools, film festivals and sector associations.
Founder and organizational director of the Cortisonici International Festival of Varese (, he has collaborated for thirty years with the Filmstudio90 cineclub of Varese (
He works for the Totem cooperative in Varese, carrying out cultural and youth policy projects (
It is composed by Luca Lideo and Marta Perrone.
Assign a prize to the short that best enhances the theme of slowness, understood in all its nuances of meaning.
It is composed of Alberto Benini, Giorgio Andrian, Serena Alborghetti, Davide Fagherazzi, Giuseppe Luciano.
It awards a prize to promote the World Day of Cultural Diversity, declared by UNESCO for May 21 of each year.
An AUDIENCE AWARD is foreseen for all the competitions of the Grande Festival.
He is a researcher at the University of Padua where he teaches audiovisual and multimedia teaching and artistic education and media education. He collaborates with schools and training institutions in the creation of educational workshops. He has published essays and books on these topics, including Il coccodrillo luminoso – Teoria e pratica dell’audiovisivo a scuola (Cinemazero, 2009), with Anna Maso, Percorsi artistici per bambini (Audino, 2020).
Teach in kindergarten. Since 2014 he has been Tutor of the students of the Primary Education Course at the University of Padua. For years he has been involved in training and updating for teachers and in the experimentation of artistic and audiovisual laboratories in kindergartens and primary schools. He collaborated with the DAMS of the University of Padua in the creation of video essays, taking care of the part relating to animated cinema. With Manlio Piva in 2020 he published Percorsi artistici per bambini. Esplorare l’arte nella scuola dell’infanzia e primaria (Audino).
Pietro Tonegato is a primary school teacher and adjunct professor for the Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences at the University of Padua, where he also acts as a tutor for the internship. Always fascinated by “other” languages, he deals with Media and Technologies in teaching, education and training.
Graduated in Pedagogy, she is a primary school teacher. For years she has been Tutor Organizer at the CdL in Primary Education Sciences of the University of Padua, she works in the initial and in-service training of teachers. She is co-author of textbooks and contributions to media education publications, particularly on comics. You are one of the founders of the E. Pizzuti Film Club in Oderzo which organizes film festivals, screenings in collaboration with schools, courses in film language. You were part of the jury of the “Video in verse” competition (Oderzo Cultura Foundation).
It is made up of Gigi Corsetti, Tiziana Passarini, Elena Pasetti, Gianni Trotter, Carlo Baruffi, Raffaele Luponio, audiovisual education experts belonging to the Italian Audiovisual School Coordination (CIAS).
Assign a CIAS Award to the best foreign short in each category.
It is made up of Donatella Babetto, Paolo Merlo, Rinalda Montani, Ines Finizio, Annagiulia Stano, volunteers of the UNICEF Committee of Padua, which for years has been promoting the culture of childhood and adolescent rights in schools, local authorities, in the territory.
It assigns a CERTIFICATE of Merit for education to the rights to short films BY 3.18 which best expresses the culture of the rights of children and adolescents.
It is made up of students from the 5G class of the “Modigliani” Art School in Padua.
It assigns the TRUTTERO AWARD, established in memory of prof. Alfredo Truttero, sculptor and teacher of Plastic Disciplines at the Modigliani high school, passed away in February 2015, to remember the passion and curiosity that he has always given to his students.
Made up of young people who attend THE BOX, the community space of the municipality of Ponte San Nicolò (coordinated by the Bottega dei Ragazzi).
For all sections of the Piccolo Festival there is an AUDIENCE AWARD.
It awards a prize to the best 48ore short, evaluating both the artistic quality and the integration of the given elements.
The AUDIENCE AWARD will be awarded for the 48ore Competition.