Artistic director:
Raffaella Traniello
Scientific Committee:
Marco Bellano, Simone Falso, Elena Pasetti (CIAS)
Official section coordinator:
Roberta Nicetto
3.20 Section coordinator:
Raffaella Traniello
48 hours coordinator:
Roberta Nicetto, Daniela Carrer
Daniela Carrer, Raffaella Traniello, Paola Mosele,
Roberta Nicetto, Eugenia Agostini
Selection committee:
Matteo Labiunda, Dimitri Pagnin, Ludovico Piccolo,
Roberta Nicetto, Paola Mosele, Valentino Deganutti, Raffaella Traniello
con l’aiuto di Martina Ferraboschi, Luana Bertotti
Program consultants:
Valentina Aimassi, Giorgio Meneghetti
Press office:
Alessandra Canella (Studio PRP)
Social media managers:
Roberta Nicetto, Raffaella Traniello
Poster artist 2019 :
Nicoletta Bertelle
Graphical designer:
Simone Falso, Daniela Carrer
Internet website:
Lorenzo Magon, HTML Planet
Raffaella Traniello, Lorenzo Magon, Paola Mosele, Valentino Deganutti, Martina Ferraboschi, Mauro Sartore
Official Jury:
Marco Trevisan, Mariachiara Manci, Marco Zuin
48 hours Jury:
Roberta Nicetto, Daniela Carrer, Martina Acazi, Damiano Sandei
Soundtrack Jury:
Renato Raule, Pierluigi Duravia
3.20 Senior Jury – 3-7 category
Susanna Pasini, Barbara Cognolato, Giorgia Piva
3.20 Senior Jury – 8-10 category
Giulia Segato, Mariaelena Cesarin, Marta Messana,
Martina Morra, Edina Kadic
3.20 Senior Jury – 11-13 category
Chiara Omerini, Martina Ferraboschi
Tiziana Passarini, Gigi Corsetti, Elena Pasetti
Truttero Award coordinator
Bruno Lorini
Junior Juries:
Alunni e studenti delle scuole:
Scuola dell’Infanzia di Roncaglia,
Scuola Primaria di Legnaro
Scuola Media di Ponte San Nicolò
Liceo Artistico Modigliani di Padova
Audience attendants:
Eugenia Agostini, Laura Stoppini, Paola Mosele,
Paola Guaita, Martina Ferraboschi, Ruth Deganutti,
Sibilla Deganutti
Award paintings:
Anna Maria Zerbetto
Vote counters:
Sibilla Deganutti, Ruth Deganutti,
Raffaella Traniello, Eugenia Agostini
Organized with the help of:
Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale di Padova
Comune di Padova
Polo multifunzionale di Agripolis
AGIS Scuola Tre Venezie
Thanks to:
Grafiche Turato
Silvio Bizzotto
The municipality of Ponte San Nicolò is part of the Metropolitan area of Padua. It owes its name to the bridge of State Road 516 “Piovese”, which crosses the Roncajette canal (a stretch of the Bacchiglione river). The banks of the river welcome a beautiful bike path, which is a part of the wider Padua-Chioggia cycle path. The festival was born within the municipal administration, back in 2008.
Engaged for years in multimedia projects, he collaborates with the festival to make it suitable for children / young people and to be a useful educational resource for audiovisual education. With the collaboration of the MIUR – Padua School Department, it organizes the screening of children for all the schools in the province.
The Modigliani Art High School co-organizes the TRUTTERO AWARD, a competition for short films made by children aged 14 to 20 years. The award was established in the institute in memory of prof. Truttero, sculptor and teacher of Plastic Disciplines at Modigliani High School, who passed away in February 2015, to remember the passion and curiosity he has always given to his students. He collaborates in organizing the festival with alternating school-work courses.
Organized by the “Svetozar Markovic” Cultural Center of Jagodina, the Animator Fest wants to promote the art of animation in European countries and be a meeting place for young people who wish to share and create new ideas. The festival program includes works made by independent schools or authors up to 18 years of age.
KidzFlicks is the project behind the Sydney International Festival of Films by Children, and aims to enhance the shorts made by children up to 12 years old. After screenings in 5 Sydney cinemas, KidzFlicks travels to other parts of Australia. The Festival offers young Australians the chance to share their little films and see shorts made by children from all over the world. KidzFlicks is a competition with as many as 27 awards, awarded by leading figures in the Australian film world.
KidzFlicks is a project by Bardic Studio, a non-profit organization that aims to create the conditions for full participation by all Autsralians in all aspects of cinema, without age or skill limits.
Distribution and film production house that promotes the distribution and showing in theaters of quality short films.
Biennial festival organized by the Vite in Viaggio Association which was created with the aim of promoting and spreading a sustainable lifestyle and consumption in the territory, both from an environmental and a human point of view, based on a balanced and respectful relationship between human beings It’s the nature.
The association also aims to promote “slowness experiences” and to cooperate with other organizations that work with similar goals.
Mission of the CIAS is to foster awareness of the idea of children, schools and contents that prefigures audiovisual and multimedia education and schooling, focusing on the quality and effectiveness of the methodological choices that put at the center of the activity research and experimentation in audiovisual teaching.
The Teatro Ragazzi G. Calendoli organizes and manages the “National Festival of Theater for the Boys”, the oldest Italian Festival for children which comes in 2018 to the 38th consecutive edition. Every year there are ten shows chosen on over one hundred theater companies that ask to participate with their new production in the selection. The Festival is a real showcase that guarantees the high quality, professional and cultural, of the proposals. The event makes a decisive contribution to theater education as a place for meeting and training young people. In addition to theater as an artistic language, it offers an opportunity to dialogue, discuss, and even discuss in family the issues arising from the vision of each show.
L’Agiscuola dal 1985, attraverso la realizzazione di vari progetti, è, a poco a poco divenuta un punto fermo nei rapporti tra mondo della scuola e mondo dello spettacolo. E’, dal 2002, il referente del Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca per quanto riguarda la diffusione di film di alto interesse culturale e didattico da visionare nelle sale cinematografiche per gli studenti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, senza perdere mai di vista l’età e la conseguente maturità dei giovani e giovanissimi spettatori cui lo spettacolo è rivolto. Grazie al lavoro di anni l’Agiscuola è riuscita a sensibilizzare una larga fascia del mondo giovanile, portandola ad apprezzare il “film” come opera artistica, indipendentemente dalle pellicole, anche di scarso valore, sulle quali c’è la polarizzazione dei grandi incassi.
Kinima is a center of experimentation and cultural education that promotes the culture, technique and photographic language, the creative development of the person, the computer culture, with particular attention to the Open Source world. It manages the municipal area of the Stua underpass (Largo Europa, Padua).
It was founded in 2007, supported by The Cultural Centre of Jagodina. The school’s work is mostly about worshops on stop motion animation, cut-out techniques, plasticine and sand animation, targeted at children aged 11 to 15 years old, as well as high school students, all lovers of cartoons, film production and visual art. Since 2013, the school organizes an annual children and youth animated film festival: Animator Fest. Supported by the Serbian Ministry of Culture, Animator Fest is now an international cultural event whose idea is to promote the art of animation and to serve as a place of gathering for all young people willing to learn, exchange experiences and ideas.
AVISCO, Association for Research, Experimentation and Audiovisual Update in the Scholastic and Socio-Educational Field, was established in Brescia in 1986 by a group of teachers and didactic directors convinced that it was important to learn to read and write at school moving images.
The Accademia del Cinema Ragazzi was born in 2005 as a workshop of ideas, life experiences, cultural and social gathering in a “ghost” suburb of Bari. It aims to foster social development through cinema. It organizes a two year course on cinema skills, projects for children, teens and women to creatively reinvent their reality.
The Academy is a cultural and social reference point with experimental and innovative learning.
Cinema en curs is a film pedagogy programme for primary and secondary schools belonging to a variety of social contexts. Initiated in Catalonia, it is also being implemented in Euskadi, Galicia, Madrid, Brandenburg (Germany), Argentina and Chile. The programme has two main objectives: to develop critical, autonomous and sensitive viewers with a curiosity for cinematographic expressions, focusing on European films, and to explore the pedagogical potential of watching and making films in schools. It’s organized by A Bao a Qu, a non-profit cultural organization dedicated to the conception and development of projects that link culture, creation and education.
Camera-etc was created in 1979 for the purpose of making and producing short animated films. Recognized as Production Workshop and Centre for Expression and Creativity of the French-speaking Community of Belgium, Camera-etc organises creative group workshops for children, young people and adults in Belgium and in other countries.
Non-profit organization based in St, Peterbourgh, supporting children and adults facing challenging situations by creating animated films and art.
Girolamo Macina (1973) is an italian media educator, media trainer and videomaker since 1995. He works in national schools, universities, cultural and educational centers. His work is focused on educational and training workshops, media productions and media management. He realised hundreds of workshop, many short films (fiction, animation, videoclip, documentary, docu-drama) and collected a lot of prizes in several italian, european and international contest and festival. In 2007 he was awarded from Cinecittà Antonio Morè Foundation for the high cultural, educational and filmic quality of his work.
Kidscam is a mobile animation film studio in which children and young people make animated films accompanied by audiovisual artists. In its artistic projects, Kidscam uses an approach that actively involves the children at every step in the creative process and starts from the existing competencies of the individual participants.
The Tseh Animation is an open cultural and educational space in Moscow that opened in 2016. It is located on the former factory territory of the “Fabrika” CCI. Area of activity – children’s animation courses, regular animation master classes, open lectures with animated film screenings, meetings with artists, concerts, exhibitions and performances.
Comune di Ponte San Nicolò
thanks to Coop Alleanza 3.0
Comune di Ponte San Nicolò
Comune di Padova
Comune di Legnaro
Provincia di Padova
Regione Veneto