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Here is the lit of selected films for Corti a Ponte 2021, among 2600 submitted films from 101 countries. 43 short films for the official competition, 95 films for the BY 3.25 competition (children and youth made films). PDF - official competition PDF - BY 3.25 competition Films will be shown on FestHome...

The program with the selected films for the 2021 edition will be published as soon as we understand which kind of festival we'll be able to offer you, whether in the theater or as an on line experience. Be prepared for a high quality program, with stunning cultural diversity. Stay tuned!...

We are pleased to announce the list of selected films for the new 18-25 competition, dedicated to young filmakers. Films will be screened during the second half of the festival,  on-line, from October 31 to November 7, in a dedicated session. Selected films - 18-25 - 2020 (PDF) We will soon publish...

We are delighted to announce the list of selected films for the official competition. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the second half of the festival will be held on-line, from October 31 to November 7.  Screenings will be divided into different sessions, customized for different age groups: 3-7 years 8-12 years ...

The call for the Popular Jury is now open. The task is to assing the audience award for the 48 hours contest. The Jury is made of 100 volunteers: in 24 hours the will watch and vote all the finalist films. A grour of 25 films 5-mins long (2 hours) will...

To adapt to the quarantine restrictions, Corti a Ponte 2020 will split his program in two: PRIMO TEMPO (ON-LINE): May 4 - 11 - 3.20 competition (for schools) - 48h contest - Soundtrack contest FINE PRIMO TEMPO SECONDO TEMPO (LIVE): October 31 - November 7 - Official contest - Soundtrack contest - Collateral events THE END ...

We are waiting for the upcoming Italian Government dispositions about COVID-19 spread control. We will publish the list of selected films soon, along with the Corti a Ponte 2020 program. Thank you for your understanding and patience....

The program for the 13th edition of the Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival will be published by the end of March. Following the Covid-19 quarantine measures the Corti a Ponte Festival staff is working in on-line mode only. We apologize for the delay....

Nearly 1800 short films, coming from 84 countries, more than 190 hours watched by 22 people. A fascinating task, for a high quality program. We are in the process of contacting the authors. Please wait till March 10 for the film program publication (both official and 3.20 contest).  ...

Here are the winners of this 12th edition of the Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival: VINCITORI CONCORSO UFFICIALE 2019 VINCITORI CONCORSO 3.20 2019 VINCITORI CONCORSO COLONNE SONORE 2019 VINCITORI CONCORSO 48ore 2019  ...