
...MENTION “ASSOCIAZIONE CAP” – PLUS FICTION SECTION The Graffiti (The Graffiti) by Laplace Aurélien 2019 – Francia – 9:00 min. SPECIAL MENTION “ASSOCIAZIONE CAP” – PLUS ANIMATION SECTION Mother and...

...BY 3.7 COMPETITION EX AEQUO AWARD The sailor’s life by Solenn Le Marchand 2021 – Italia – 3:37 min. WINNERS OF “COLONNE SONORE” COMPETITION 2023 “COLONNE SONORE” JURY   1°...

...theme, creativity and animatorship, (Art.12-Charter of Rights: children are entitled […] to live artistic and cultural experiences accompanied by their teachers) ,together with small directors, they managed to combine art-culture-rights.... access art in all its forms: theatre, music, dance, literature, poetry, cinema, visual and multimedia arts”. The word “creatività” (“creativity”) contains the terms “vita” (“life”) and “arte” (“art”) and...

...AWARD – BY 3.7 COMPETITION The conveyor black hole by Irene Tedeschi 2023 – Italy – 3:51 min. Jury motivation: A mole-bot searching for friends and for a better world.... apprezzare il “film” come opera artistica, indipendentemente dalle pellicole, anche di scarso valore, sulle quali c’è la polarizzazione dei grandi incassi. Associazione Kinima (Padua, Italy) Kinima is a...

...29th SAS conference (Padua, 2017). PhD in cinema, he holds a diploma in piano and orchestral conducting. RENATO RAULE Graduated in “Composition”, “Choral Music and Choir Conducting”, “Music Education”, he...

...collaborates in organizing the festival with alternating school-work courses. Istituto Comprensivo di Legnaro Scuola dell’infanzia Maria Immacolata Istruzione Superiore “Scalcerle” ARTISTIC PARTNERS: Animator Fest (Jagodina, Serbia) Organized... Scuola dell’infanzia Maria Immacolata Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Scalcerle” Animator Fest (Jagodina, Serbia) Organized by the Cultural Center “Svetozar Markovic” of Jagodina, the Animator fest aims to promote...

...students. He collaborates in organizing the festival with alternating school-work courses. Istituto Comprensivo di Legnaro Scuola dell’infanzia Maria Immacolata Istruzione Superiore “Scalcerle” ARTISTIC PARTNERS: Animator Fest (Jagodina,...